I’m currently evaluating potential changes and redesign to the John Harris website.

If you have suggestions to add topics, or to reorganize areas, please let me know.

I would like to make the website more user friendly, easier to find information and to have more relevant topics that are interesting to classmates.

Some areas that I plan to add are:

1- More information about other classes that graduated around our time,

including their yearbooks and other topics.

2-More history about John Harris.

3-Information/e-mail addresses/websites about classmates who have businesses.

4-More history about the ‘60’s and it’s influence on Central Pennsylvania.

Please contact me if you would like to provide feedback, or help with content for this website, i.e. history, etc. As always, if you have photos, articles or anything else that might be of interest send me an e-mail or call me at (717) 541-0555.

Pat Navagato

e-mail :     NovaVideo@aol.com