On September 1, 2007 Norman organized our first drive-in night. Fortunately, the evening turned out to be beautiful, with a star filled, clear sky. Although, the movies were okay (Rush Hour 3 and The Nanny Diaries) it was more fun hanging out with everyone.

Fred Dailey holding one of the drive-in speakers. It doesn’t look it has changed much since the ’60’s.

l-r, Fred Dailey, Bill Hamilton, Carol (Purvis) Hamilton, Rick Backstrom,

     Nate Segal, Norman Gaines, Mark Loomis, Paula (Peterson) Navagato,

     Pat Navagato

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Mark Loomis and wife

l-r, Fred Dailey, Lydia Gaines,

Norman Gaines, Nate Segal

Carol Hamilton, Paula Navagato, Pat Navagato

Bill and Carol Hamiliton


license plate

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